Minoxidil; Frequent Questions and Answers-1

Q 23.
What about Someone Who Respond neither Finasteride nor Minoxidil?

What about non-responders to hair regrowth medicine?
What can we do for someone who respond neither finasteride nor minoxidil?

A 23.

There are people who respond neither finasteride nor minoxidil.

Even if hair loss doesn’t respond well to the treatment with a regular dose of finasteride and minoxidil, patients had better continue the drugs. These drugs will be helpful to preserve existing hair.
The effect of delaying the progression of hair thinning may be expected with these drugs.

Even if someone doesn’t respond to a standard dose of finasteride nor minoxidil, he still has some hopes.
Hair thickness may increase in some patients, if the dose of the drug is doubled or tripled.

As for minoxidil, you can increase the dose of minoxidil solution, if you want. The larger dose of minoxidil solution you use, the thicker your hair will become in the author’s opinion.

As for finasteride, the same may also be true. You can increase the dose of finasteride, if you don’t recognize any improvement in hair thickness with a regular dose of finasteride. A high dose finasteride is worth trying according to the author’s opinion.

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