Minoxidil; Frequent Questions and Answers-1

Q 16.
Is High Concentration Minoxidil more Likely to Cause Minoxidil Shedding?

Is high concentration minoxidil solution more likely to cause minoxidil shedding (initial hair loss) than low concentration minoxidil?
Is initial hair loss less severe with low concentration minoxidil?
Is it better to begin to use minoxidil solution in low concentration, and increase the concentration gradually?

A 16.

There is no data to support the hypothesis. However, it may be true.

Many people will begin to use minoxidil solution at a concentration of 5%. Some people may begin to use minoxidil solution at a concentration of 1-2%. Few people will start using minoxidil solution in high concentration of 10-15%.

Generally speaking, 5% minoxidil solution will be appropriate to begin to use both in men and women in the author’s opinion.

For example, you can begin to use minoxidil solution at a concentration of 1-5%, and then you can increase the concentration of the solution up to 10-15% gradually every several months.
Or you can apply 1mL of 5% minoxidil solution at the beginning, and you can increase the dose of the 5% solution up to 3-5 mL gradually.

Even if you are worried about initial hair loss by topical minoxidil, hair shedding doesn’t last long. Initial hair loss will subside in 1-2 months, and hair density will increase after several months anyway. So, you don’t need to worry about initial hair loss.

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