Minoxidil; Frequent Questions and Answers-2

Q 2-4.
Why Does Hair Get Thinner as We Get Older?

How wonderful it would be, if hair thickness doesn’t change throughout the lifetime.

A 2-4.

It will be a dream of everybody, if thick hair grows forever. However, it is an illusion.

Everyone has forgotten that scalp hair was fine and short when he was a baby.
Every baby looks bald because of fine baby hair. The fine hair is called vellus hair.

Scalp hair gets thicker in the childhood. Hair density becomes highest around 18-20 years of age.

Then, hair begins to become thinner gradually during the adulthood after 20-25 years of age. Frontal hairline recedes gradually in the meantime.

Hair gets thinner as everybody gets older. Finally, hair will become fine again in the elderly.
As physical strength declines with age, hair goes back to vellus hair as people get older.

As hair in the frontal hair line get finer, frontal hairline recedes further in the middle and old age.

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