Minoxidil; Frequent Questions and Answers-2

Q 2-25.
Is Sublingual Usage of a Minoxidil Tablet Safe?

What about sublingual use of a minoxidil tablet in order to avoid initial metabolism in the liver?

A 2-25.

Sublingual medicine enters directly into systemic blood circulation in a short time.

Absorption of medicine is rapid and blood concentration rises rapidly to the therapeutic level within several minutes after sublingual usage. Absorption of sublingual medicine is much faster than that of oral drug intake.

Sublingual medication is usually used in the emergency room for patients with cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and acute heart failure.

Sublingual usage of minoxidil tablet cannot be recommended. Rapid rise in blood concentration of minoxidil may result in systemic vessel dilatation and rapid drop in blood pressure.

It may be dangerous in a patient with a cardiovascular disease in the author’s opinion. Sublingual usage and rapid absorption of minoxidil should not be tried.

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