Basic Research on AGA (Vol. 3) Gene Analysis & Other Issues

Growth Factors and Cytokines related to Hair Loss and Hair Growth

There are many types of growth factors and cytokines related to hair loss and regrowth.

They include PDGF, Wnt-7a, VEGF, KGF, Leptin, FGF, FGF-7, βFGF, follistatin and IGF-1.

Other Growth Factors and Cytokines that increase Hair Growth

Other growth factors and cytokines that increase hair growth include EGF, HGF, FGF-9, Noggin, SOD and ATP.

Future research studies may reveal the positive and negative effects of different growth factors on hair regrowth.


Spironolactone, flutamide and 5alpha-reductase (5α-reductase) inhibitors can usually be used as androgen-receptor antagonists to block androgenic effects in the target tissues of patients with androgen overload.

Progesterone competitively inhibits the binding of DHT to the cytosol androgen receptors. It inhibits formation of 5α metabolites from androstenedione.
Progesterone is rapidly metabolized to non-androgenic substances in the skin and many other tissues.

One potent inhibitor of 5α-reductase is finasteride, which reduces androgenic effects by reducing the local synthesis of DHT in the target cells.

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